Friday, October 25, 2013

mail art

I have had a little bit of time to do art in the midst of all the craziness and busyness.  

I'm making mail art invitations to my first ever art show!  This is so exciting.

It is going to be at Simon's Tavern in Chicago.  The bar is owned by my good friend, Scott.  He and I have known each other since we were probably 12 years old.  

I've been posting some of my viking art the past few months.  That is a taste of what will be there.  I cannot thank Scott enough for this opportunity.

Please stop by Simon's Tavern, in the Andersonville neighborhood, in December to have the best glögg in town.  He makes red and white glögg and it is so delicious.  Don't take my word for it.  You have to try it!

I have one more painting to go before I am done!

The cards above were inspired by Mindy Lacefield's online class, True Free Spirit.  This is a class I adore.

Have a great weekend.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

Hi everyone!

Pumpkin Patch 2013, an annual, autumn, festival in the Village of Egg Harbor, WI, is here.  The local businesses put out some fabulous displays that they make with pumpkins and squash, among other things.  The photos below are of the display, done together, by Greens N Grains and Spa Verde.

The chicks above were done as a collaborative effort by Andi (from Spa Verde) and me.

This is our giant chicken with jumbo eggs made out of pumpkins, for "Egg" Harbor, of course!  Photo credit for this one goes to Kathleen of Spa Verde.

For a really fun tutorial on pumpkin painting, check out Alisa Burke's blog.  She has been painting pumpkins for years and they look super cool.

Have a great weekend.

Saturday, October 5, 2013


Hello everyone.  I'm so sorry to have been absent for so long.  Relocating to a new state has taken more time and energy than I had anticipated.  I just recently joined the wonderful Artful Readers Club, which is a reading group for artists.  And already I am falling behind.  I just realized now that there are official blogging dates.  I will catch up.

I did manage to do a sketch of Stephen King based on the title of the book.  I had every intention of doing a painting based on the sketch but I don't know when that will happen.

The rainbow is actually something I saw while driving across the country.  The image was stuck in my head.  We saw it while driving in Montana.  It does not relate to this book.

Yes, I need to do a review of the book too.  I am enjoying it.  I will post that in the next couple of days soon.  Thanks for being patient.